Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Einstein's Definition of Insanity

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I suspect we have all been guilty of insanity at some point in our lives, but if you're reading this it's obvious that you're at least considering the possibility of making some changes. Having an open mind is good. Taking action is even better.

Is playing the lottery going to lead you down the pathway to success? Is working 60 and 70 hour weeks and not spending time with your family the answer? If you keep relying on those things to get you where you want to go with you ever get there? Should you diversify your income by considering alternatives?
My father worked at Wal-Mart for many years. The company has changed a lot since those early days, but my dad often told me "life" stories about Sam Walton when I was younger. He told one about Mr. Walton's multiple bankruptcy filings many, many times. He told us others about his work as a clerk at J.C. Penney, dented cans, and his first attempts at retail "discounting".  In spite of these challenges, he became one of the wealthiest and most successful business men in history.
I've been there at various points in my life. I've been knocked down. I've been stepped on. But I kept getting back up and kept at it in spite of the pitfalls along the way.

I noticed that every time I got back up, it was a little easier and I went a little farther along the path before the next set back. Pretty soon, I realized that failure was actually propelling me forward. I became more and more determined to succeed. Failure is just another step in the process.

What's holding you back? How are you going to overcome it? Have you given up on your dreams?

Only you can answer.

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